Kotor 2 Making Companions Jedi

You can't change your class mid-game, only get one of the six (three for dark/light side) 'Prestige' classes at level 15. To access that feature, you should speak to Kreia. To make your companions Jedi, you should advance dialogue with them to a certain point and gain low/high enough influence. You can't change your class mid-game, only get one of the six (three for dark/light side) 'Prestige' classes at level 15. To access that feature, you should speak to Kreia. To make your companions Jedi, you should advance dialogue with them to a certain point and gain low/high enough influence.

Kotor 2 Making Companions JediKotor 2 Making Companions Jedi

In Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords you can learn different things from your companions. You can also train some of your companions to become JEDI. This guide should help you navigate some of the conversations to help you gain influence so you can get your companions to become Jedi.

Kotor 2 Making Companions Jedi Mod

Kotor 2 Making Companions Jedi

You can't make him a Jedi, of course, but you can break him and get the strength lesson just as quickly as Mira can be made a Jedi. You can leave Nar Shadaa with all companions fully Jedified. This makes it much easier to do the Sith tomb on Dxun. Masters Kavar, Vrook Lamar, and Zez-Kai Ell from Knights Of The Old Republic 2 were all Niman instructors. Juyo: Feriocity: -4 Defense, +2 Defense vs current target, -4 vs Force Powers, +1 attacks per turn, x4 chance to Critically hit. This form is excellent for pure damage and crit builds, and tends to be considered the best for Guardians. Category:Knights of the Old Republic II Companions - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki - classes, species, planets and more.


It is easiest to wait until Level 18 to talk to Handmaiden when you are on the Ebon Hawk because if you are level 18 you can do all her Dueling Matches and also turn her into a Jedi pretty quickly.

NOTE: Always try to choose the nicest responses when talking to Handmaiden. This ensures you will GAIN Influence with her and also gain a lot of Light Side Points.


To start, talk to Handmaiden and ask her why she looks different. During this conversation you should gain Positive Influence and Light Side Points with her as long as you are nice to her.

In another conversation you should have the option to ask Handmaiden about her Mother. Again, choose nice replies and you should gain Influence with her.

You can talk to Handmaiden about her name and you can get several Light Side Points from this particular conversation.

You have the option to Spar with Handmaiden by talking to her and asking her if she can teach you any fighting moves. You will go through 3 Sparring Matches and GAIN INFLUENCE with each victory. Make sure to talk to her again about fighting after beating her 3 times and she will teach you a power that adds you Wisdom Attribute to your Defense Raring (very very very very useful!)

With the Sparring Matches done and all of the conversations done you need to go talk to Kreia and ask Kreia why she doesn’t like Handmaiden. End the conversation after this dialogue.

Now talk to Kreia again and Kreia should start talking about how much time you are spending with Handmaiden.

Now go back and talk to Handmaiden and tell her that you want to talk about her Mother.

Kotor 2 Making Companions Jedi Lightsaber

That conversation should lead to Handmaiden becoming a Jedi Guardian.


Kotor 2 Companion Builds

Atton is the easiest to turn into a Jedi. Go to the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa with Atton in your party and wander around until the two Twi’Lek show up. Talk to them and then talk to Atton and the conversation should lead to you turning Atton into a Jedi Sentinel.