- Oleg Maddox’s world famous Il-2 Sturmovik™ series of flight simulators continues to expand. The latest offering, Il-2 1946, adds 36 new planes, four new gigantic maps, over a hundred new ground objects, and nearly 200 new campaign missions. This new opus also includes all of the previous Il-2 series content.
- Addeddate 2016-03-31 21:06:44 Identifier Il-2Sturmovik1946Manual Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9p31b98x Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 37 Ppi 300 Scanner.
- IL-2 Sturmovik™: 1946 Aircraft Types Individual skins and skin packs by aircraft type. 464 2.41 GB 479342 Aircraft Templates Templates available for public use. 6 59.03 MB 7293 Themed Skin Packs Aircraft skin packs by theme.
Engine controls
Start engine
Download full IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946: Download (3.21 GB) Download - Easy Setup (5.88 GB) IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 screenshots: IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 is a collection of all previously released titles and add-ons in the series as well as three additional expansion packs: IL-2 Sturmovik: Pe-2, Sturmoviks Over Manchuria, and 46.
iPower increase/decrease
= / -Prop inc / dec (*)
Shift = / -Mixture inc/ dec (*)
Ctrl = / -Set power1, 2, ..., 0Boost / WEP (max power)WSet prop pitch
Shift 1, 2, 3, 4Prop pitch auto
Shift 0Set mixture (*)
Ctrl 1, 2, .., 0Cowl / Armor flaps (radiator)RSupercharger next / prev (*)
Shift ] / [Magneto next / prev (*)
Ctrl ] / [
Flight controls
ElevatorsDown / UpAileronsLeft / RightRudder (full)Z / XTrim controls
Ctrl <Key>Reset trim
Shift <First Key>Flaps Up / DownF / VAirbrake (*)DGearGManual gear U/D (*)
Shift G /
Ctrl GWheel brakesBLock tail wheel (*)
Shift BArrestor hook (*)
Ctrl HChocks (*)
Ctrl CFold wings (*)
Ctrl FAttach aircraft (*)
Ctrl A
Weapon controls
Fire 1 (guns)EnterFire 2 (cannons)BackspaceFire 3 (rockets)SpaceFire 4 (bombs)
Alt SpaceToggle gunsight
Shift F1Reticle dimmer (german)
Ctrl DGunner seatCGunner aim / fireMouse / Left Btn
View controls
Gun / Normal / WideDel / End / PgDwnLook aroundMouseZoom in/out (ext)Mouse (Left + u/d)Toggle FOVInsertInc / dec FOVHome / PgUpInstant view forwardInsert
nCockpit / No cockpitF1 /
Ctrl F1External viewF2Next friendly / enemy
Shift F2 /
Ctrl F2Flyby viewF3Padlock E/F AirF4 /
Shift F4Padlock E/F GroundF5 /
Shift F5Padlock next / prevU / YExt padlock E/F AirF6 /
Shift F6Ext padlock E/F GroundF7 /
Shift F7Ext padlock closest A/G
Alt F6 /
Alt F7Chase viewF8Next F/E chase view
Shift F8 /
Ctrl F8Toggle snap / panF9Look / panNumpad keys
Il 2 Sturmovik Free Download
Bail Out (eject)
Ctrl EJettison Droptanks
Ctrl TFire extinguisher (*)EFeather propeller (*)
Shift F
Misc controls
Il 2 Sturmovik 1946 free. download full
CommunicationsTabAutopilotALevel stabilizer (*)
Shift ACockpit lights
Ctrl LNav lights (*)LLanding lights (*)
Shift LWingtip smokeTOpen/Close canopy (*)ORaise/Lower seat (*)
Ctrl S
MapMFullscreen Map (*)
Ctrl MChat`Online ratingSToggle speed bar (*)QToggle icons (*)
Shift QToggle mirrors (*)
Ctrl Q
Time compression
Faster/Slower time], [Normal time'Pause gameP, PauseSkip to next waypoint (*)
Ctrl S