Page 1 of 2 - Console Commands? - posted in General XCOM 2 Discussion: Id like to start by pointing out that I have no experience whatsoever with modding or coding. I have negative experience. Reading some of these topics feels like looking at Sanskrit for me. So if Im ignorant on certain points, I beg your patience. Anyways, is it known if XCOM 2 has console commands or a developer shell like. EW patch 2 has a bug: it doesn't save any in-game key bindings. They actually added functions for implementing the Hunker Down hotkey (KKeyPress, KKeyRelease) and it can be assigned in-game, but it gets discarded after you exit the game. Direct DefaultGame.ini editing seem like only workaround for now.
Xcom 2 Key Bindings Usb
XCOM 2 is a near-endlessly complicated game, full of systems and mechanics that have to be understood and managed if you want to succeed. Of course, with something like this, it’s usually the small stuff that will trip you up, and lead to you failing a mission, or tossing your mouse on the ground in frustration. One of these seemingly simple things that is nonetheless important to understand is how to climb buildings and get onto the roof.
XCOM 2 doesn’t really tell you how to do this, instead expecting you to just know, or scan through the multitude of key bindings to find out. Basically all you have to do to get your troops onto a roof, climbing nearby ladders or other objects, is to zoom out and select the available spot.
To zoom out you just scroll the mouse wheel up, then scroll down to zoom back in and get back to the ground floor. It’s a little backward from what you might be used to doing, but it kind of makes sense in that you are scrolling up to move up to a higher floor, and down to do the opposite.
If your soldier is within walking/running distance of the spot on the roof, you will see the usual blue or yellow outline denoting where they can move. Right click as you normally do and the soldier will do the rest, finding the ladder or other object, and climbing it to reach the roof. From there you can set up some really great ambushes, snipe enemies, or just act as a lookout, as the higher vantage point will really extend your view distance.
Xcom 2 Key Bindings Key
To get back down you usually don’t even have to scroll your mouse as XCOM 2 will simply show you the available spots on the ground. Select where you want to go and, once again, the soldier will do the rest.
XCOM 2 is available now on PC. For other tips check out our beginner’s guide, or how to keep your soldiers alive.
- This article was updated on:April 17th, 2017
Key Bindings Wow
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XCOM 2 is by all accounts a great strategy game. It’s easy to pick up and play, but difficult to master. One of the great things about being a PC-exclusive game is that its developers have optimized its controls for PC gamers. That means there’s shortcuts, and they’re extremely useful.
If you’re planning on spending dozens, if not hundreds of hours in XCOM 2, you’ll want to acquaint yourself with the game’s keyboard shortcuts. You’ll need to, if you want to be an effective commander. The last thing you want to do is be unable to issue commands to your soldiers efficiently. The Resistance is counting on you.
To that end, Firaxis makes it easy for players to perform certain actions that would otherwise require multiple clicks of the mouse to accomplish the same tasks. You’ll be able to end turns, rotate the camera, quicksave and quickload (useful, if you’re save scumming), and quickly use your squaddies’ abilities.
Here’s what you’re missing:
- Spacebar/Enter – Open Shot HUD/Confirm Action
- Tab/Mouse-4 – Next Unit/Target
- Left Shift/Mouse-5 – Previous Unit/Target
- 1-0 – Abilities
- Y – Overwatch
- R – Reload
- Q/E – Rotate Camera Left/Right
- W/A/S/D – Camera Move Up/Left/Down/Right
- G/T – Camera Zoom Level Up/Down
- Mouse-3 – Toggle Camera Zoom Level
- F/C – Ascend/Descent Floor
- End/Backspace – End Turn
- P – Call Skyranger
- Hold Ctrl + Right Mouse – Waypoint Movement
- Right Mouse – Move Unit To Cursor
- F5 – Quick Save
- F9 – Quick Load
For more of XCOM 2, be sure to check out our XCOM 2 .ini Modifications & Cheats Guide. You’ll be able to modify the damage, difficulty, and just about every other element of the game to make it easier or more difficult.