Jollyjack Apsara

Jollyjack Apsara

Comments Earned: 4223
Comments Made: 237
Journals: 3

The next part of Sinclaire Global will be finished veeeeeery soon - assuming another technology-based nightmare doesn't come along and ruin my plans - and I just want to make sure. Note: These files contain mature/ suggestive themes and/or artistic nudity. The latest tweets from @JollyJack.

Recent Journal

Patreon Sketchbook

5 years ago
After much fretting over the potential ramifications of making use of the Patreon service, I have decided: f**k it. I'm going ahead with my plans.
Might be a mistake, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.....and then jump off to make a daring river-escape should things go south.
Assuming I haven't ballsed anything up (I'm new to using Patreon), my page can now be found here:
Content is much the same as you'd find in the 'Beasts and Babes sketchbooks' that have appeared in the Apsara Portfolio previously, so if you've no interest in that kind of material, save your time and coin and don't bother with it.
I'll be adding a new sketch roughly every day, along with sneak peeks at new Apsara comics that I'm working on.
Nothing will be 100% exclusive to Patreon, it will just show up there first. Eventually all content will become available via the channels I usually use, so don't get in a twist if you don't want to use that service.


Always have a plan 'B'.

Contact Information

Home Site
4 days ago
I await Sequential Art #1177 with bated breath. Come on, sexy bunny-aberration disaster! Give us giant evil Hillary!
18 days ago
a month ago
4 months ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
Oh nice you changed your icon! this one looks really good man!
6 months ago
8 months ago
Jollyjack Apsara
Odd question coming from me, but are you aware of yinglets? :Vc
8 months ago
Jollyjack Apsara
Hey, are you having any trouble with DA right now. I've been logged out of my account, and can't get back in...
a year ago
I'm really confused how you managed to get off my watch list...
a year ago
Alpha luna

Jollyjack Apsara

a year ago