How To Change Twitch Title As Mod

  1. Twitch Moderator Badge. DURING THE STREAM. RESPECT everyone. Even on the Internet, you are dealing with real human beings. Though they made be rude at times and fail to show an appropriate.
  2. The /commercial command is reserved for partnered broadcasters and their nominated editors. If a broadcaster would like to give this ability to their moderators, rather than giving them editorial permissions, they can add a chat moderation bot as an editor and allow moderators to perform the command via said bot.
  3. A64aa9a - Added long-waited Twitch Channel Point Reward TSL Event, with title TSL predicate property. D322f08 - Added autoStart preference to attempt automatically starting the mod once the world/server is loaded.

This post will cover a list of the Streamlabs commands that are most commonly used to make it easier for mods to grab the information they need.

List of Streamlabs Mod Commands

Removing undesirable comments in your Twitch chat. Moobot can act as your mod, auto-removing spam and undesirable comments in your Twitch chat. This helps you create the community you want on Twitch. All of your Moobot's auto moderation options are fully adjustable to fit the needs of you, your Twitch mods, and your community on Twitch.

  • Change Title – !settitle
  • Change Game – !setgame

How to Change the Stream Title with Streamlabs

How To Change Twitch Title As Mod

If the streamer changes their game mid-stream, they may need a new Twitch title to draw in new users. You can help them change the title through streamlabs with the !settitle command, followed by the name of the game. Here is an example:

  • !settitle Join Us for Community Night

How to Change the Game Category with Streamlabs

You may also need to change the game category with Streamlabs. You can do this with the command !setgame, followed by the name of the Game. Here is an example:

  • !setgame Stardew Valley

How to Create and Delete Commands with Streamlabs

One of the best things about using the Streamlabs bot is the ability to create custom commands for your viewers to use. These can serve as tools to create hype through inside jokes or easily link to your social media pages. Here’s how:

To create a command, you will need to enter !addcommand followed by your desired name of the command, then the text that it will display. For example, if you want the command to show a link to your Discord server, you could create the !discord command that would post the link and a short invite message. For example:

  • !addcommand !discord Come hang out with our Tiwitch community in our Discord server!$34

Oh no! You made a typo! To fix it, you can use the !editcommand feature, followed by the name of the command with an edited version of the text that follows. For example:

  • !editcommand !discord Come hang out with our Twitch community in our Discord server!$34

If you decide that you no longer need a command, you can use !removecommand followed by the name of the command. In this instance, that would be written like this:

  • !removecommand !discord

How To Edit Stream Title As Mod


How to Use Counters in Streamlabs

Sometimes a streamer will ask you to keep track of the number of times they do something on stream. These events could be related to gameplay (such as the number of times they die in a round of League) or things that happen on stream (such as the number of puns they use). The streamer will name the counter and you will use that to keep track. Here’s how you would keep track of a counter with the command !icecream.

How to change twitch title as mod free
  • Add 1 to the counter: !icecream +
  • Subtract 1 from the counter: !icecream -
  • Add 5 (or any other amount) to the counter: !icecream 5
  • Show the number on the counter: !icecream

Editor Commands in Streamlabs

If the streamer upgrades your status to “Editor” with Streamlabs, there are several other commands they may ask you to perform as a part of your moderator duties. This can range from handling giveaways to managing new hosts when the streamer is offline. Work with the streamer to sort out what their priorities will be.


How To Change Twitch Title As Mod Free


How To Change Twitch Title As Mod On Youtube

While there are mod commands on Twitch, having additional features can make a stream run more smoothly and help the broadcaster interact with their viewers. We hope that this list will help you make a bigger impact on your viewers.