Hiload Web Proxy For Chrome

  1. Hiload.org is web based proxy which is made on Glype proxy script, you can use it free for lifetime without any restrictions, This proxy will help you to unblock firewall restrictions made by the government, school or by your network administrator.
  2. Cara Setting Proxy di Browser. Proxy merupakan suatu komputer yang menghubungkan user (pengguna) dengan internet. Sebagai contoh, ketika user merequest file yang ada di internet. Proxy akan menerima request dari user dan akan meneruskannya ke internet seolah- olah proxy tersebut merupakan komputer user.

Are you looking for that perfect alternative to the popular Hiload proxy service? Don’t worry, I am going to provide 15 best and the most similar sites like Hiload, that will help you.

KPROXY service must be on any comprehensive list of highly popular web proxy services. Used by thousands of people, you can even download their Chrome or Firefox extension for fast and secure browsing. This web proxy supports HTTPS as well.

Hidester is really easy to use, you just have to type in a website address and you are ready to go. They offer industry wide encryption, you can even install their app on mobile so you can use it directly from your mobile device.

HideMyAss proxy service is the best option for those that want to access popular restricted web content. It is more flexible and secure than other proxy sites. It is one of the most popular services out there as well.

Hide.me is another excellent provider of free anonymous proxy browsing. According to their official website, they are proud of these features:

” We handpick servers that live up to our high standards of security and privacy. They’re access controlled, and we are the only ones that operate them — no one else. “

Check them out, and let me know.


Great proxy browser that you can use with the most popular websites out there, including YouTube. What is more, you can choose between various proxy servers in USA and Europe as well.

There are some nifty options you might like such as blocking of unwanted ads or disguising the browser version you use.

KPROXY service must be on any comprehensive list of highly popular web proxy services. Used by thousands of people, you can even download their Chrome or Firefox extension for fast and secure browsing.

This web proxy supports HTTPS as well.

Next service on our list is highly popular web proxy VPNBOOK. Some of the drawbacks are limited number of proxy locations plus you have to deal with unpleasant ads as well.

One of the features I like about this service is that it supports HTTPS protocol.

This one is also popular as well among users worldwide, but has some limitations. According to LifeWire, you cannot use it to submit information to forms, you can’t download files larger than 200KB or access https sites.

It has a limit of 60 pages in 5 hours, so I wouldn’t recommend this one for long term.

Great proxy browser that you can use with the most popular websites out there, including YouTube.

There are some nifty features you might like such as:

  • Hides your real IP address, allows to surf anonymously.
  • Makes all websites SSL encrypted.
  • Permalink feature to share opened pages with friends.
  • Can be used on any operating system including Android and Chrome OS.

ProxFree is a simple to use free proxy site, that is really great alternative to Hiload proxy. As long as you have access to ProxFree you have free access to any blocked website even in a censored environment via proxy.

This is truly great and similar site like Hiload proxy, you will like it.

GenMirror is the latest addition to this ultimate list of alternatives. This one is mobile friendly, ultra fast and is secured by ssl certificate. GenMirror web proxy lets the user browse the websites with complete privacy.

Hiload Org Web Proxy

Zalmos is the newest addition to this list of popular and most reliable free web proxy services worldwide.

Hiload Web Proxy For Chrome Firefox

According to the folks from Zalmos, their service is really secure:

Zalmos Web Proxy is is optimized to keep you safe on the Internet and to do this we will force all websites to go throw our platform and use HTTPS to encrypt your browser internet access.

4EverProxy.com is another popular web proxy service provider. They are well known for features like bypassing filters while remaining anonymous or they offer servers all around the world in different countries each with their own 1Gbps connection.

ProxySite.Video is the most advanced free web proxy service. It supports any kind of sites: video hostings, search engines, social networks, e-mail services and much more.

This service is definitely worth your attention.

FilterBypass is a free anonymous web proxy which allows people all over the world to bypass internet filters and enjoy unrestricted browsing. Unlike other web proxies they support all major streaming portals such as Youtube and Dailymotion.

With NewIPNow.com, you can use their IP addresses to manage your web identity:

  • Browse the web anonymously using their shared, public IP addresses
  • Change your location through their geographically diverse servers

Often, website developers forget to test their sites indifferent countries. We all fall victim to the “self-samplinghypothesis”, in assuming that we ourselves are a representative sample ofour visitors. Naturally, this leads to problems if you’re sitting with ahigh-speed, and reliable Internet connection in a server located close to yourdevelopment site. But you also need to test your site form multiple locationsaround the world. And the best way to do this is with a proxy. In thistutorial, I’ll show you how to use a proxy in browsers in Chrome and Firefox.

But first, an explanation of why I prefer one browser overthe other for proxy connections.

I Prefer Firefox to Chrome for Proxy Connections: Here’s Why

Both Chrome and Firefox have proxy settings. The problemwith Chrome however, is that it redirects you to your computer system’s networksettings page and you have to change the proxy settings from there. This meansthat you’ll end up proxying not just browser traffic to Chrome, but all network traffic. Gaming, traffic toother browsers, and more.

Given the shady nature of some of the proxies out on theInternet, this frightens me. I usually use an anonymous proxy for a veryspecific, one-time, temporary purpose. Like warming my site’s EDGE POP cache ortesting how it renders from that location. I do not want all my network traffic to be piped through to an anonymousproxy!

Firefox on the other hand, sandboxes the proxy connectionand restricts it only to the specific browser window. All other networkconnections go through your regular channels. As a result, I feel that Firefox ismuch safer than Chrome for proxying.

With that out of the way, here’s how to proxy connectionsfrom both browsers – Firefox, as well as Chrome on Windows.

Getting the Proxy Connection Details

For quick testing of my website, I use free-proxy.cz. I know the website looks a bit shady, and doesn’t even have SSL, but they have a good collection of proxy servers. You can search for a specific country from the homepage like this:

Choose the proxy you want to connect to, then make a note ofthe IP address and port number as shown above.

Connecting to a Proxy from Google Chrome

To use the above details to connect to a proxy from Chrome, go to the browser settings, and search for “proxy”. The option we want is under the “System” tab as shown here:

This will open up the OS dialog box in Windows where you click “LAN Settings”. In the subsequent dialog box, under the section for Proxy server, click the checkbox and enter your proxy details as shown here:

Click “OK”. If you’ve entered a working proxyserver and the correct port, you can now access the Internet through this IPaddress!

Connecting to a Proxy from Firefox (Preferred)

In Firefox, go to the browser option, and search for “Proxy”. Click the “Settings” button under “Network Settings” as shown here:

In the next dialog box, click “Manual Proxy Configuration”, and enter your server IP address and port number.

Click OK to save your changes, and you can now access the Internet from the new server IP.

How to Check if Your Proxy is Working?

Once connected to your proxy, you can get your IP address bytyping the query “what is my ip” into Google, to check and see whatyour IP address is. It should be the same as the server from which you want toconnect.

Another way is if you’re using Cloudflare to route yourtraffic. If so, enter the following address into the URL bar:


The result will be a response from Cloudflare with your IP address,as well as the EDGE server from where your traffic is being routed. The three-lettercode is the IATA codefor the International Airport. This way, you can not only get your IPaddress, but see which Cloudflare server is routing your website. I use it allthe time!

Hiload In

I’m a NameHero team member, and an expert on WordPress and web hosting. I’ve been in this industry since 2008. I’ve also developed apps on Android and have written extensive tutorials on managing Linux servers. You can contact me on my website WP-Tweaks.com!