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Download Dakota font free! - offering 1000's of FREE fonts to download to help the millions of designers across the globe expressing their creativity with much more diversity. A trio of fonts based on the handwriting of some of Adobe’s own designers. The three eponymous styles of the family — Ernie, Frank, and Tiffany — each have a unique flavor with its own rhythm and character. These fonts were originally created in 2012 so Acrobat users could sign documents electronically, but they were capable of so much.
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Latest Comments
I'm making a metal version of this for a friend but can't even come close to finding the font. Any ideas?
Good job on the Marine font but what about the font that they use in their logo? I'm wanting to cut this out of a piece of metal.
Handwriting Lines Font
');' />it doesnt work!!!I've found it! I've uploaded it onto the site under 'Teacher's Pet' and it is just pending approval. I got it from a friend of a friend after a hell of a search myself! Enjoy...!